Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Makeup Geek Pigments- Afteglow & Birthday Wish

Makeup Geek Pigments- Afterglow & Birthday Wish

     I patiently awaited my pigments to come for a few days now. Finally they came in and I can say I am very impressed. I will first mention that these are my first pigments. I only chose two colors that I could see myself reaching for often. But I will def be purchasing more in the future. 

What sets these pigments apart:

  • The price: these babies start at $6.99
  • Talc Free
  • Contain 2g of product that's enough for a lifetime. Jk but it will last a very long time. 
  • The best part these pigments are Cruelty Free

What I think:
They pigments are beautiful. Given they are the first pigments I've ever tried I am very happy. Try them out. Lighter shades like afterglow have multi purposes such as eyeshadow, cheek highlighter. And if your daring you can mix a baby amount in your foundation for a super glow. 

 Left: Wet light application of After Glow, then shadow swatch only.
 Right: Birthday Wish shadow only, then a splash of water on brush.

Heavier application of shadows with water to create a foil look.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Hair roots & how to color your own!

Getting your hair done at a salon is amazing and glamours but when it comes to paying it can hurt. And although I am a licensed professional, I will never do my own hair... Until now. It took a little bit of self motivation and courage to pick up the color brush and dab the color on my roots. The outcome was wonderful and I paid about $20.00 for my products and still have plenty for the next retouch. So you do that math $10.00 a retouch versus $50.00+tip at a salon.

Here are some helpful tips that will help if your considering doing your own retouch.
- Know your natural hair level
- Know the level you want to achieve
- Do not be afraid to ask your current hair stylist for your color formulation (ALOT of times they will tell you what color, brand and what level they used.. So just ask)
- Ask a friend for help, trust me the back of your head is never easy to do
- If you think you got it down and ready to go just hesitant. Try a patch test, somewhere hidden. If it is a match your good to go

OKAY, so think your ready.
This is a list of supplies you'll need:
- Towel, Cape, Clips, mixing bowel, gloves, color brush and a comb
- Color, I personally suggest Creme Color and Honestly try going to Sally's or if you know someone who is licensed ask if they can pick color up for you at their local beauty supplier.
-Developer: Volume 10 will only lift very little. If your roots are a few shades darker try Volume 20 or 30.. I never really suggest 40 Volume to anyone unless they know exactly what they are doing. Personally I mix 20 and 30 together to get 25

At this point, You should know your hair level. If you don't most beauty suppliers have color books were you can compare your hair to the levels in the book.

Be prepared. Section your hair into 4 parts. 1-Down the middle all the way to the back, 2 from middle of the head down to the ear and both sides this should give you 4 parts.

Gather up all your supplies and get to mixing. Read the instructions. Some color requires two parts developer to one part color. Other only require a 1:1 ratio.

Outline your entire head and in between your partings with color cover the entire roots and be cautious of how much product is going onto your previously colored hair. You want a very small amount of color to go on the old hair. You must apply some just to get it blended but be careful. Section your entire hair in those parts. It will feel weird at first but go in with a game plan on how you feel most comfortable sectioning the hair. After everything has been applied wait 15 min. Go in with a big comb and slowly brush down on the roots to distribute a small amount of color onto the previously colored hair to ensure no harsh lines are left. This will break it up nicely. The color should remain on the hair no less that 30 min. Depending how dark your roots were and how much lighter you are needing to go. I leave mine for about 40 minutes.

Once the processing is done. Wash it out. Your should feel confident that it will look good.
I really do recommend researching hair levels before trying this. Know your level.
If you are still very afraid go to the salon and get it done. Make sure you watch how they do it and ask for your color card. That way you have everything you need to have so there is no guessing.

Hope this helped & Good luck!



My very FIRST blog post!

Hello and welcome to my blog!
    My name is Natalie. I want to formally introduce myself to anyone reading this. I thought long and hard about making this blog and I decided its what I NEEDED to do.
I love everything beauty related. I promise to work my best to give reviews on beauty products and tutorials. 

Yours Truly,
         Natalie B.A(Beauty Addict)